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Top Benders on Avatar Smp

[🔥] SDD Sweatz- Ranked #2
[🔥] SDD Sweatz- Ranked #2
"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory"
Player Rating: 8

Offensive Rating: 8/10

Defensive Rating: 6.2/10

Game IQ: 7.1/10

Reactions: 7.2/10

[🔥] Sonder- Ranked #1
[🔥] Sonder- Ranked #1
"Aggression is like a chaotic flame - capable of making or breaking the odds"
Player Rating: 8.5

Offensive Rating: 8.3/10

Defensive Rating: 7/10

Game IQ: 7.6/10

Reactions: 7.7/10

[🪨] Moro- Ranked #3
[🪨] Moro- Ranked #3
"Defence isn't just about thwarting opponents; it's the strategic path to victory"
Player Rating: 7.5

Offensive Rating: 6.4/10

Defensive Rating: 8.7/10

Game IQ: 7.5/10

Reactions: 7.1/10

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